H1-702 Wrap Up
Note: Verizon Media is now known as Yahoo.

To our H1-702 Hackers,
Thanks again to everyone who participated in H1-702. We had a record breaking event paying out over $1,000,000 on our day alone. Hopefully we also shattered the preconceptions that many hackers have about products in public program scope. (see our post on https://hackerone.com/verizonmedia/updates for more on this subject). It was incredible to be on stage with our show and tell presenters eating scorpions too. Never forget that moment.
As the week comes to a close and you are thinking about all the fun we had in Las Vegas, we would very much appreciate it if you take the time to send us some feedback about the event, specifically our involvement in it.
Verizon Media and The Paranoids Event Feedback Survey
Your feedback is critical to help us shape future events and engagement activities. This is your chance to be heard. The survey is long so that we can get good data around how you all actually felt about the event, and it is as anonymous as you want it to be (you have to log in so that you can get an email link to edit it afterwards, we don't collect that address, nor do we see it attached to the survey results).
This survey will close at the end of August so please fill it out. So far we have only 10% participation, but we know there are more opinions out there.
We are actively working to finish up any outstanding reports that haven't quite been fully triaged, or have jira tickets, or are missing part of their payout. We also have a list of people that sent in questions or slack chatter that haven't received a response yet, don't worry, that is still coming. You'll know we are done with h1-702 completely when we move all the reports into our public program.
Happy Hacking,
The Paranoids